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Regardless of how many days we’re traveling for, whether it’s just a weekend away or a week or two, we all know how challenging it can be to pack bags and plan outfits for the trip. We try to pack a wardrobe for different occasions, for morning and evening, walking and parties, more relaxed fashion […]
Everyone has their favorite colors, however, not all colors suit everyone equally well. You don’t have to follow strict fashion rules when it comes to combining colors with each other, but choosing the ones that best suit your skin tone will help you look fresher, stylish and more refined. Also, research shows that wearing light […]
We all know that comfortable pajamas and high-quality bed linens are very important for a good night’s sleep. But, did you know that the material of your pajamas and beddings can affect the quality of your sleep? Pajamas are not just an ordinary piece of clothing in which you will spend the night. They are […]
Old Hollywood is associated with glamour, natural beauty, charm and unsurpassed elegance. Film connoisseurs discovered natural talents, honed them and made them into real Hollywood stars. That’s how one of the most talented, most beautiful actresses started, who today are considered the icons of style and elegance. Young actresses attended not only acting classes but […]
You may think that only VIPs, movie stars and celebrities can afford a personal stylist, but there are some tricks anyone can utilize when choosing their outfit, which makes them look elegant and stylish. High prices of fashion pieces are not a guarantee that you will look beautiful and fashionable. Choose your clothes wisely and […]
Silk is one of the most popular, high-quality, and durable materials. If you maintain it properly, you will enjoy its softness and beauty for many years. Real, natural silk costs a lot, but when you buy clothes, accessories, or silk bedding, you can be sure that they will last long. These are some of the […]
Being stylish and well-dressed can pose a big challenge nowadays with all the ever-changing trends. Fashion is something that changes over time but style cannot be bought and it has no expiration date. Whether you feel like a fashion connoisseur or you just know the basics, we are all main characters in different fashion stories […]
Taking care of silk clothes, bedding and sleepwear is easier than you might think. Silk is one of the most comfortable and pleasant materials to wear and also one of the most durable fibers on the planet. Many people think that maintaining silk is complicated, but bear in mind that silk was used for hundreds […]
Her Highness Sheika Moza bint Nasser Al-Missned is a style icon and synonym for elegance. She is always looking stylish in her impeccably fashionable combinations. Turban is an indispensable part of every fashion combination, and she masterly combines it with sophisticated clothing pieces from Western and regional fashion designers. Sheikha Moza was born in 1959 […]
In the past two years working from home has become a new reality, and now we spend much more time at home than before. Even though we are at home, it is important to feel comfortable but beautiful and sometimes even luxurious, why not? Here are some of the wardrobe pieces you should get if […]