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We worked hard to find what could be something that can complete us as women. Thinking of things that we do not like about ourselves and came to a messy morning hair, our morning face with lines , came to a point to realize SILK is the solution. Silk was a solution for myself as many women MoonyMode care for.
And so, MoonyMode is having a secret of holding your beauty timeless. Our assortment of complete bedding sets, night wears and accessories hold the time and make you comfortable in your own skin. MoonyMode offers you the best silk ALL IN ONE place to start caring for yourself, start loving your inner you.
To all the women out there.
Offering a variety of silk products, MoonyMode provides an extensive range of products which include: Silk Bedding, Silk Sleepwear, kids, baby silk bedding and silk sleepwear, accessorize.
MoonyMode will continue to expand products and accessories, adding new and exciting colors and designs, offering and delivering a greater choice to our customers.
At MoonyMode, we have a relentless commitment to quality and perfection. “Our dreams are, who we are” is our tagline.
We follow our dream.Following the dream, we achieved that.
Our Bedding Production Division is lead by a team of Masters, with a combined experience of over 20 years.
Our Sleepwear Production Division is supervised by our Master Tailors, with over 15 years of experience. These Tailors complete all Silk product customizations by hand.
An extensive team of Quality Assurance (QA) experts inspect all our products at every step of the production process to ensure that our silk products are manufactured to the highest of standards.
And we are proud to say that Silk is certified to Oeko-Tex Standard 100.
Our story is more than just sharp scissors and straight stitches. Knowing the human body and its self measurements and secrets we create perfect sleepwear.
Enjoy our shop Now